Political Forgiveness


Dr. Borris has been invited to create and instruct peace-building programs in more than fifteen of the most unstable and war-torn countries. She has taught at the most prestigious universities in the world, including Thunderbird School of Global Management, where she works today, delivered multiple addresses to the United Nations, and has written two highly acclaimed books on the topic of forgiveness.


In addition to facilitating conflict resolution training workshops, Dr. Borris does actual facilitation in holding peace dialogues which can also be part of a forgiveness training program.

Schools of Forgiveness and Reconciliation – Teaching Individuals How to Forgive

The objective of this program is to teach participants essential skills in forgiveness and reconciliation. This includes healing domestic and political violence. The premise is that if we do not heal from our psychological wounds, victims have a higher likelihood of becoming perpetrators of crime in the future. The goals of the program are as follows:

Participants will:

  • Engage in a healing process by sharing their stories and developing skills to transform their narratives. 
  • Learn how to work with their difficult emotions and see their situation in a different perspective, enabling them to change their perception of the situation thus giving a different meaning as to what has happened resulting in greater peace of mind. 
  • Learn conflict resolution skills supporting the process of forgiveness.
  • Re-enforce capacities for conflict mitigation and transformation to build a promising peaceful society

Conflict Resolution

The conflict resolution training program is designed according to the needs of the client. The basic training program can include:

  • A basic understanding of the causes of conflict
  • Developing skills in facilitation dialogues
  • Learning mediation and negotiation skills

Custom Program

Custom programs are offered that focus on the needs of the client. These programs can be a combination of a variety of conflict resolution skills, and shorter versions of forgiveness training and reconciliation programs. Custom programs can also include specifically working to empower women especially in the political arena.


Consulting programs focus on how to develop a political forgiveness process within a community or nation. This can include developing forgiveness programs for individual healing or helping communities set up their own programs taking into consideration their unique history and indigenous traditions.

Speaking Engagements

If you are looking for an inspirational speaker you will want to hear Dr. Borris. She speaks on forgiveness from the personal to the political which will uplift your spirit, open your heart and inspire you. No one leaves her session untouched!

Partial List of Clientele


  • Keynote Address: United Nations General Assembly on “Forgiveness and the Healing of Nations”
  • Keynote: “Forgiveness and the Power of Peace.” UN Membership, UN agencies, Religious NGO’s
  • Keynote: “Forgiveness: A Pathway to Human Transformation” UN Church Center
  • Keynote: “The Divine Feminine, Rapprochement and the Culture of Peace,” and “The Evolution of Peace through Forgiveness and Reconciliation”

Facilitated at the International Women Leaders Global Security Summit. New York City, NY
Keynote: Marianne Williamson’s Sister Giant Conference 3: Activating Conscience and Restoring Our Democracy “Can Political Forgiveness Be the Answer?” Los Angeles, CA
Panelist at the Aspen Institute on “The Role of Women in Multi-Track Diplomacy,” Mary Robinson, former president of Ireland, Moderator, Washington, DC

Guest Speaker on “Multi-Track Diplomacy and Media Training for Journalist Reporting in Conflict Sensitivity Areas” for Afghan Journalists involved in the Afghan Radio Program.
Presented in Islamabad, Pakistan for Parliamentarians sponsored by the Kashmir Institute of International Relations on “Multi-Track Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution in Kashmir” focusing on diplomatic training concerning the Kashmiri conflict.

Facilitated a training program “Engaging Governments in Genocide Prevention” involving 14 foreign governments with the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University, Arlington, VA.

Training Program: “Women and Peacebuilding and Multi-Track Diplomacy” sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Liberia, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Liberia and the Foreign Service Institute.

Presenter: “Forgiveness and Reconciliation after Traumatic Conflict”
Chair: “In Search of Meaning, Identity, and Community: The Ambivalent Role of Religion in Recovering from Trauma and Recreating Relationships at the conference Memory, Narrative and Forgiveness, Reflecting on Ten Years of South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Cape Town, South Africa

United Nations General Assembly

Panelist and Workshop Leader – “Healing the Wounds of History: Addressing the Roots of Violence” Kigali, Rwanda


  • “NGO FORUM FOR WOMEN” in Beijing, China
  • “Understanding Conflict Resolution within Different Cultural Backgrounds” –
  • “Awareness Workshop on the Violation of Human Rights as it Affects Women”
  • “Role of Forgiveness and Reconciliation as it Applies to International Conflict Resolution”

Topics Eileen can deliver live for your audience center around the power of forgiveness

  • The Power and Beauty of Forgiveness
  • Forgiveness and the Healing of Nations
  • Can Political Forgiveness be the Answer
  • Forgiveness: The Key to our Heart
  • C’mon Baby Ignite My Fire – Leadership and Forgiveness

Are you ready to take the next step toward healing and political forgiveness?