Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocast
I am writing this post in response to the Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust post on LinkedIn written by Srgjan Kerim, President of the 62nd Session of the UN General Assembly.
Thank you for writing such beautiful words of profound wisdom. We need to remember how easily words of intolerance, words of aggression against any ethnic or religious group can take us down a path of destruction easily leading us to unspeakable atrocities against humanity.
Let us look for the good and the positive in each other for it is true that our thoughts become words which lead to the way we act which ultimately becomes ingrained in our character. We have choice. Let the angels of our better nature rule the day.
In the work that I do as a clinical and political psychologist I also understand the power of forgiveness on a personal and political level. Let us not forget this powerful healing mechanism that can transform humanity on all levels.
As we go about our daily lives, our greatest contribution is to watch our thoughts and guard against the thoughts of hatred and belittlement of others. This is where we should not have tolerance. Instead let us support the words of understanding, compassion and kindness towards our fellow citizens of this world. It will be these thoughts which lead to positive action and attitudes doing more to resolve conflict and restore a more peaceful world.
About The Author Dr. Eileen Borris is author of “Finding Forgiveness: A Seven Step Program of Letting Go of Anger and Bitterness” and the forthcoming book “The Power of Forgiveness and the Healing of Nations.” She is also a speaker and has spoken at the United Nations General Assembly on the power of forgiveness and the healing of nations and is president of Forgiveness International.
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