Love, Not Fear During These Challenging Times
We are going through some trying times which is creating a lot of uncertainty, lots of challenges and yes, opportunities. We are the ones who will make the choice of how much fear or how much love we will experience at this point in time.
As a psychologist I have been asked by many of my clients how to weather this event. Having to change our patterns gives us the greatest opportunity to rethink our lives. We are forced to focus on what our lives are really about. What do we really want to live for? What gives our life meaning? This is a chance to let the healing energy of love permeate our lives. We can’t be consumed by fear or deny the reality of the pandemic, but we also need to allow ourselves to feel the love that surrounds us.
Whatever physical and social actions we must take to ensure moving successfully through this challenge, we should do so as acts of love and mutual caring, not acts of fear. We need to stand in love, cooperation and connection with each other and see this as an opportunity to feel a sense of our interconnectiveness. When we can stand together, we break the chains of fear and ultimately strengthen the bonds of community which will sustain all of us.
Here are some things we can do to help ourselves feel better during these challenging times.
- Remember to Breathe. This will calm your nervous system and lessen feelings of anxiety.
- Take one day at a time and focus on being calm
- Create meaning in your life.
- Do things that help you feel normal. This can have a positive impact on how you feel.
- Have a plan for the day. Organizing will give you a sense of security and control.
- Nurture your relationships – Connect with people but don’t focus on the coronavirus!
- Live a healthy lifestyle – Exercise, eat well and get plenty of sleep.
- Meditate – You may want to begin your day with an inspiring thought and meditate on that for a few minutes.
- Remember to be grateful throughout your day and appreciate what you do have. That will also give your day meaning.
- Create rituals. This too will give you a sense of stability.
- Watch your thoughts. During times of stress we may engage in more negative thinking. Thoughts will affect how you feel. The more positive you can be the less stress you will experience.
- Develop a positive philosophy as to what we are really dealing with. This is an important time to get in touch with your personal spiritual beliefs and to deepen your spiritual practice.
- Remember to be joyful. There is always something to be joyful about!
- Appreciate yourself!
You may want to put some of these tips on your refrigerator door or a place where you can readily see them to remind yourself of the things you can do. If you can follow these tips, cut down watching the news and stop following social media you will have far less anxiety, be much more resilient and feel a lot better. For those of you who feel you need extra help feel free to contact me. I am available for telehealth sessions over the phone. I can be reached at Together we will all be fine.